A smartphone has limited capabilities. It runs apps conveniently but to a certain level. Some could run ten apps at a time while others five or less.
Our body system could be likened to a phone. There is a certain number of things that the brain can handle at a particular period or time. When it exceeds the capacity of the brain, it automatically shuts down secondary ones and leave the vital ones running.
The book of matthew 6:34 says we should take no thought for the morrow. But when we begin to think of irrelevant things, it can lead to a nervous breakdown.
For example, our duty is to pray and not to worry how the prayer would be answered. If God lays it in our heart to speak to a certain fellow, we should not think of what to say because He has already promised in His word in the book of Jeremiah 1:8-9 that He shall put words into our mouth.
When God says "go to a certain place", do not worry about your survival.
When a prophecy is pronounced from the mouth of a prophet concerning you, do not worry how it shall come to pass, just accept it.
A friend once told me that sickness is in the mind. Just like a smartphone, our body system detects any errors and sends a message to the brain.
If your body system tells you that you are sick and you accept it, it becomes a reality. You must break through those firewalls and take charge of your body system.
Nowadays, people find it difficult to embark on a long term fasting program because of the fear of ulcer. People no longer go out for outdoor crusades because of one reason or the other.
We must subdue our flesh in order to serve God in spirit and in truth.
God bless you!
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