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Monday, 27 January 2014

Holiness is holiness

   As the generations go by, Christians have classified holiness to some certain levels or perspectives. some Christians see nothing wrong with homosexuality or masturbation. They even feel that in education for example, you got to play by what the people want, of your lecturer tells you to pay money to upgrade your scores, you got to do it. But is this what Christ preached?
   Holiness is all-round and cannot be set aside is any aspect of our lives. In academics, you must be holy, in seeking for a job; you must be holy, even in preparing for marriage; you must be holy.
Sometimes I wonder why fornicators join the choir and sing. You must be holy in order to be able to stand before God and His people, unless you would be passing our wrong messages. Singing is not all about drawing men to yourself, but drawing men to God. When you sing carnally, people get excited by the pleasant sounds you've made, but when you worship God in spirit and in truth, God begins to work in the hearts of many; convincing them of the truth.
   I am writing these things because I once thought that holiness could be categorized, but now, I know better. Holiness is Holiness. If you are holy, you are holy; without spot nor wrinkle.
God bless you!

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