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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Can you feel it?

   An impressionist paints the world the way he sees it. He's got a unique way of choosing colours while painting. It might not be what you expect but it is wonderful.
   Music is like a painting, the more you hear it, the more you understand it. It could take a month to understand a song the song to the fullest.
   The first time you listen to a song, you might not capture every detail of the song. But time after time, you'll get to know it better.
   When I listen to a song, I begin to wonder what the writer felt when the song was written and for what purpose the song was written. If I do not know these things, I wouldn't conveniently understand the message of the song.
   So many people believe music is all about beats, tones and melodies. But there is more to it than that. It is a means of communication between two or more people. It could be a cry for help, it could be a prayer, it could portray love, it could show deep emotions. That is music! If you do not understand that, then you don't really feel music.
    The world is changing, so many musicians today strive to be the best. They keep singing the songs people want to hear and forget about what the people really need to hear.
   I do believe each true musician have a feeling of what true music is all about, but due to unforeseen circumstances we become biased and lose focus. Please come back home and feel true music.
God bless you!

Thursday, 23 October 2014

The guitar

The guitar has always been a part of my life. Although I couldn't play it but I just believed that someday I would. When I watched my uncle play, I admired the sound I heard and the Joy I could see on his face whenever he played.
It is a six stringed instrument that has inspired so many generations. It is a source of inspiration, to me. I could play it all day long, it gives inner peace.
I've met guitarists and the guitar seems to be their companion. They love it so much.
A guitar draws down the presence of God that is,  if you are skillful and you are filled with the Holy Spirit. You would begin to hear the inaudible melody from above. The Holy Spirit can make you play what you've never heard or imagined. Ask for his presence today.
God bless you!

Monday, 29 September 2014

Jesus the son of God

I've always wondered if I would ever have a personal interview with Jesus. I would have a lot of questions to ask Him, it might be crazy but it really is amazing. First of all, why was he born by a virgin and in a manger, wasn't there a better place for the birth of the Messiah? I mean, I'd love to be born in a golden house filled with roses... People would say it was humility, but I feel there is something more to that. It has to do with creation, I really do not know. When he was born, he was subject to his parents and did carpentry work until he was thirty. Why did he had to go through that process? Isn't he the son of God? Why didn't he begin his ministry at a tender age? When he chose his disciples, he didn't pick them because they were intelligent, talented, handsome or well to do, he just singled them out. I would love to know why, but do I really need to know? So many times when things go wrong, we begin to ask God why? Do we really need to know why or we should just believe in him? I feel we should just believe him. It was prophesied that Jesus would bring Peace to the world. When His disciples watched him die, it was like all hope was lost. But His death was for a reason, it reunited man and God. God's ways are never like us but we must believe in him, He has good thoughts towards us His children. We must never doubt Him, it might be crazy to understand His ways, but we must learn to understand him. God bless you!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Vessels of worship

It all started last year, it first came as a thought and gradually it became a reality. Our first name was "THE CHURCH". We later changed it to the "VESSELS OF WORSHIP". Back then, it was just me, Caleb and his brother Joel. I played the piano and sang, Caleb played the acoustic guitar and sang and his brother Joel played the drums. We started the music classes this year. The vision behind it is to raise up people in churches that could not just play instruments but people that would be able to minister to the hearts of many God's word through music. It's been God all the way, we couldn't have achieved this on our own but for His Grace. As many of you who have a vision that God has laid in your hands. The time is now, God is ready but he wants to work with you if you have faith. God bless you!

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Blessed Redeemer

It's a song that I love and cherish a lot. It's a hymn song which can be found in the MFM hymn book titled "Up cavalry's mountain". But I love the Casting Crowns version, it's something that makes me realize the pains Christ went through to save us from sin.
Here's my version...
Verse 1
 A#m                              C#                            G#
         Up Calvary's mountain one dreadful morn
Walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn
 A#m                      C#                           G#
         Facing for sinners death on the cross
                            D#m                            F#
That He might save them from endless loss

                      C#                               G#
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer
                           A#m G#                 F#
Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree
                                C#                            G#
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
                          A#m G#       F#     
Blind and unheeding, dying for me

Verse 2
A#m                                C#                         G# 
         "Father, forgive them," my Savior prayed
E'en while His life's blood flowed fast away
A#m                       C#                              G#
        Praying for sinners while in such woe
                       D#m                     F#
No one but Jesus ever loved souls

                      C#                               G#
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer
                           A#m G#                 F#
Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree
                                C#                            G#
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
                          A#m G#       F#     
Blind and unheeding, dying for me
                 F#      C#
Dying for me
                G#           F#
Dying for me yeah
                      C#                               G#
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer
                           A#m G#                 F#
Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree
                                C#                            G#
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
                          A#m G#       F#     
Blind and unheeding, dying for me

Verse 3
A#m                            C#                          G#
        Oh how I love Him, Savior and friend
How can my praises ever find end
A#m                                   C#                               G#
        Through years unnumbered on Heaven's shore
                                  D#m                    F#
My songs shall praise Him forevermore

                    C#                               G#
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer
                           A#m G#                 F#
Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree
                                C#                            G#
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
                          A#m G#       F#     
Blind and unheeding, dying for me
                    C#                               G#
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer
                           A#m G#                 F#
Seems now I see Him on Calvary's tree
                                C#                            G#
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
                          A#m G#       F#     
Blind and unheeding, dying for me
Download here

Friday, 25 April 2014

Here I am to worship

It's a song I'd love to sing everyday of my life. I've heard different versions and I love them all. God bless you Pastor Icon, Ejirosax and Michael Smith. You guys rock! Here's mine, I hope you'll love it! You can listen or download it here

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

All I want to talk about is Jesus

It’s Esther’s favourite song, she loves to hear me sing it. I composed this song during Christmas, it sounded crazy at first as confirmed by my little niece ‘Princess’; she said, ‘Uncle Michael, you’re singing rubbish’. But after some time, it began to make more sense to me. You’ll enjoy it. I must say that the song is more than just tones and melody. It’s way beyond that; it’s all about Jesus and what its like to sincerely follow Him. Here it goes… Chours: All I want to talk about is Jesus All I want to talk about is Jesus (2*) He’s my all in all He is my hope My shield and strong defense (2*) (back to the chorus) Born in a manger Son of God Saviour of the world The worthy Lamb of God (2*) Who would have thought that Man could be redeemed By His blood (2*) Here's the link below: God bless you!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Breaking through the firewalls

A smartphone has limited capabilities. It runs apps conveniently but to a certain level. Some could run ten apps at a time while others five or less. Our body system could be likened to a phone. There is a certain number of things that the brain can handle at a particular period or time. When it exceeds the capacity of the brain, it automatically shuts down secondary ones and leave the vital ones running. The book of matthew 6:34 says we should take no thought for the morrow. But when we begin to think of irrelevant things, it can lead to a nervous breakdown. For example, our duty is to pray and not to worry how the prayer would be answered. If God lays it in our heart to speak to a certain fellow, we should not think of what to say because He has already promised in His word in the book of Jeremiah 1:8-9 that He shall put words into our mouth. When God says "go to a certain place", do not worry about your survival. When a prophecy is pronounced from the mouth of a prophet concerning you, do not worry how it shall come to pass, just accept it. A friend once told me that sickness is in the mind. Just like a smartphone, our body system detects any errors and sends a message to the brain. If your body system tells you that you are sick and you accept it, it becomes a reality. You must break through those firewalls and take charge of your body system. Nowadays, people find it difficult to embark on a long term fasting program because of the fear of ulcer. People no longer go out for outdoor crusades because of one reason or the other. We must subdue our flesh in order to serve God in spirit and in truth. God bless you!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Holiness is holiness

   As the generations go by, Christians have classified holiness to some certain levels or perspectives. some Christians see nothing wrong with homosexuality or masturbation. They even feel that in education for example, you got to play by what the people want, of your lecturer tells you to pay money to upgrade your scores, you got to do it. But is this what Christ preached?
   Holiness is all-round and cannot be set aside is any aspect of our lives. In academics, you must be holy, in seeking for a job; you must be holy, even in preparing for marriage; you must be holy.
Sometimes I wonder why fornicators join the choir and sing. You must be holy in order to be able to stand before God and His people, unless you would be passing our wrong messages. Singing is not all about drawing men to yourself, but drawing men to God. When you sing carnally, people get excited by the pleasant sounds you've made, but when you worship God in spirit and in truth, God begins to work in the hearts of many; convincing them of the truth.
   I am writing these things because I once thought that holiness could be categorized, but now, I know better. Holiness is Holiness. If you are holy, you are holy; without spot nor wrinkle.
God bless you!