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Thursday, 13 October 2016

Music changed me

I love music, it has always been my passion right from my childhood days. I loved to play the drums as a little boy, it was always fun for me and it made me filled with joy.
Gospel music changed my life, it made me do things the right way. At first, I had problems with things that come along with music; pride, money and lust. It took me a long time to conquer them. I still get tempted anyway but it’s not as bad as when I first started.
At first I would get so carried away by the tones and melodies in music that I could not see the big picture. Music is powerful, it changed me and it can change you. It helped me overcome my addiction to pornography and masturbation, it gave me focus and selfless service. Gospel music made me think about others wallowing in sin and looking for a way to help them.
By God’s grace, I compose songs. My type of songs are rock worship and spiritual songs; I try as much as possible to portray God’s love in my songs. I do believe that music is not just entertainment but for soul ministration, so if my songs have a negative impact due to the words I use, then I would be destroying lives. But if my songs have a positive impact due to the words I use, then I would be changing lives.
People who listen to music are bound to be impacted by the type of music they listen to. I have been listening to gospel music all my life and it seems as if I have all the answers that I need to answer my life’s questions from gospel music. If you’re reading this and you are someone who needs guidance and counseling, please give gospel music a try, it changed me, it can change you too!
God bless you!