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Thursday, 19 February 2015


    I watched it with curiousity. It’s all about creation, a crazy scientist who animated a body. When a female scientist tried it with a rat, she was successful. It didn’t work out at first but it came to reality.
First of all, she had to charge up the rat, with electricity at a very high voltage. She got a steady heartbeat that soon began to drop, she increased the voltage and the heart stopped. After a while, she got a pulse and it came alive.
There are times in the life of a Christian that you would go through trials that might weigh you down and make you stumble. But God would see you through just as he saw the children of Isreal through the wilderness. Sometimes they fell. But they came out victorious.
My music, my life!
God bless you!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The beggar

    I saw him across the street, he waved at me hoping that I would give him something. I looked at him, I felt so bad inside, I gave him a few pennies hoping that I would never see him again.
   Although he was grateful for every penny that he received that day. But was he really grateful?
   The next day I saw him at the same spot, same old story and no physical change. I realized that he needed more than just money. He had lost hope, no focus, no dreams, no aspirations.
   Some of us today are like beggars. We keep going before going before God asking for mercy everyday because of the same sin. It could be fornication, lying, masturbation, adultery or even stealing. When would we grow up? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound? God forbid!
   Mercy burns His ears when you keep repeating it. Its like a beggar you see everyday across the street, sometimes you get tired of giving alms.
   If you are a true Christian, stop being a beggar.
   God bless you!