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Sunday, 20 September 2015

Chilling out with my cousins

I got this cool progression from a friend on I met in a group chat on Kik. It's kinda cool! Bm7 Em G/D F# Download the file here 
I played the guitar in the background and my cousin MiebiSAX did a cool solo. You'd love it! God bless you!

Monday, 6 July 2015

When I became a Deacon

    The higher you go, the lonelier it becomes. I longed to be a minister right from my childhood days. I loved to see ministers well dressed. I wished I could be like them.
     With great power comes great responsibility. Being a minister is a different ball game from being a believer. You can no longer toil with sin.
      When I became ordained as a Deacon, I felt it would just be a title. As time went on, I began to understand mystery behind the anointing.
       God is not ready to break His covenant with His ministers even when they make mistakes. He always gives them this consciousness that they are ministers.
       Whenever I am confronted with life situations, I tell myself the truth.  What is the truth?
        The truth is that I am born again, I am a child of God, bought with a price. I am ordained a minister, subject to God's ordinance. The things I used to do, I do them no more.
         It pays to serve God, all you need is the Holyspirit to descend and remain on you. But you must be humble before God.
                    God bless you!

Sunday, 29 March 2015

INGATHERING (Pastor Iyke Oyeka)

Seeing truly is believing, I do believe that a vision can only be stopped by the one who sees it.
It all began with a man who saw the youths of our generation dying daily from within.
They had all the answers but never had the right questions. They had strength and a great zeal but channelled to the wrong direction.
They had wonderful gifts but no guidance. He saw this and believed he could make a change.
I really don't know how much he sacrificed but it was worth it. Today, youths now have a platform to display their God given potentials, develop their dreams and live a purpose driven life.
God bless you sir! Twale...

Thursday, 19 February 2015


    I watched it with curiousity. It’s all about creation, a crazy scientist who animated a body. When a female scientist tried it with a rat, she was successful. It didn’t work out at first but it came to reality.
First of all, she had to charge up the rat, with electricity at a very high voltage. She got a steady heartbeat that soon began to drop, she increased the voltage and the heart stopped. After a while, she got a pulse and it came alive.
There are times in the life of a Christian that you would go through trials that might weigh you down and make you stumble. But God would see you through just as he saw the children of Isreal through the wilderness. Sometimes they fell. But they came out victorious.
My music, my life!
God bless you!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The beggar

    I saw him across the street, he waved at me hoping that I would give him something. I looked at him, I felt so bad inside, I gave him a few pennies hoping that I would never see him again.
   Although he was grateful for every penny that he received that day. But was he really grateful?
   The next day I saw him at the same spot, same old story and no physical change. I realized that he needed more than just money. He had lost hope, no focus, no dreams, no aspirations.
   Some of us today are like beggars. We keep going before going before God asking for mercy everyday because of the same sin. It could be fornication, lying, masturbation, adultery or even stealing. When would we grow up? Shall we continue in sin so that grace may abound? God forbid!
   Mercy burns His ears when you keep repeating it. Its like a beggar you see everyday across the street, sometimes you get tired of giving alms.
   If you are a true Christian, stop being a beggar.
   God bless you!

Saturday, 3 January 2015


If I want to express how I feel towards a person or a thing and I do not have the right words to use, I would use something close to it to describe it.
   "Your love is magical, that's how I feel
      But I have not the words here to explain"
   God's love is not magical but it is supernatural. But to M.J, it was a magical feeling that cannot be expressed in words.
   "Gone is the Grace for expression of passions, but there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain, to tell you how I feel".
   I feel God's love is unimaginable, its beyond words. That's why he said
   "But I am speechless, that's how you make me feel. When I'm with you, I am far away and nothing is for real".
   When you genuinely experience God's presence, you would feel so free from all your worries and all the cares of this life.
   "When I'm with you I'm lost of words, I don't know what to say. My heart's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray".
   Looking at the last line "pray". It happens when you feel God's overwhelming presence, you begin to pray silently in your heart.
   Michael Jackson was rich, famous and had a wonderful gift but he felt empty inside.
   "Helpless, hopeless, that's how I feel inside".
   That's how he felt when he encountered our Lord Jesus Christ.
   "Nothing's real, all is possible if God is on my side".
   Michael believed that everything he had was vanity because something was missing which people call the G-factor.
   "When I'm with you I am in the light, where I cannot be found. Its as though I'm standing in, a place called hollowed ground".
   The first part talks about his encounter while the other talks about where he stands.
   Apostle Paul said, the things I do not want to do, I find myself doing them. That's how Michael felt, but he discovered that within him, something held him down .
   "I can go anywhere, I can do anything just to touch your face"
   The woman with the issue of blood said in her heart, "if I could just touch the helm of His garment, I know I'll be made whole". Michael hope to get something from touching the face of who?
   "There's no mountain high, I cannot climb, I'm humbled by your Grace".
   Grace that humbles a man is extraordinary, it is owned by one man "Jesus Christ".
   But the question is, did he ever get the chance to be saved or did he hold on to his belief that he stood in a hollowed ground?
   It doesn't take time to understand a song just got to read between the lines and you would understand why the song was written. It could take an hour, a day or even a year. When you do that, you will realize how important the song is to the writer.
   God bless you!