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Friday, 1 August 2014

Vessels of worship

It all started last year, it first came as a thought and gradually it became a reality. Our first name was "THE CHURCH". We later changed it to the "VESSELS OF WORSHIP". Back then, it was just me, Caleb and his brother Joel. I played the piano and sang, Caleb played the acoustic guitar and sang and his brother Joel played the drums. We started the music classes this year. The vision behind it is to raise up people in churches that could not just play instruments but people that would be able to minister to the hearts of many God's word through music. It's been God all the way, we couldn't have achieved this on our own but for His Grace. As many of you who have a vision that God has laid in your hands. The time is now, God is ready but he wants to work with you if you have faith. God bless you!