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Monday, 26 November 2012

The Last Option (Backup plan)

I've just been told to read, I ask for hints on what to read, 'no past questions' says my pastor friend. A voice speaks to me and says, 'now you need me!'. I am preparing for an examination without any hint on where to read from a textbook i've never opened before. Where do I start from? The voice comes again and says 'you've got eight chapters in the book, read chapters 1,4,7 and 3. It dawns on me that God has been speaking to me, i've been preparing for the examination all by myself, I never seek advice from God. Sometimes we try to do things on our own but we really can't perfect it without God's help. So many christians today take God as their last option or backup plan, when we've failed to do things on our own, we remember that we have a God of impossibilities. Why struggle when you've got a helper who is ever ready to help us? Put God first in day to day activities and He'll never disappoint you. God bless you!

Things that matter

Sometime in life, we've got to think before we act. Even the smallest human being on earth thinks before acting. I've developed my own strategy of thinking by taking a walk along the streets, to think about my life. Thinking to me is like taking a pause in my life; analysing all what i've done and planning towards what i'm to do in the future. Thinking helps to ease the stress and tension of this life. The best form of thinking cannot be compared to walking with God. No matter how much you think, you still require God's direction in terms of planning towards your future. Because if you plan your lifestyle according to your wish & not God's wish, you'll end ur being a failure. The best thing that could ever happen to a man is to walk with God according to His will. If you're a singer, write down your songs, prepare yourself for the future ministrations. If you're a writer, write down your books and prepare for publishing. If you're a movie producer, write down the films you want to produce with the movie stars you want, to be seen; by your audience. If you're a pastor, start reading books inline with your ministry, 'cause a time will come when you will do more of preaching than studying the word. The future is now! God bless you!

Thursday, 15 November 2012

That name 'Jesus'

Sitting at the right hand of God, He hears His name from the earth below, He rushes down to the earth but discovers it was only an exclamation from a man watching a pornographic film. "THOU SHALL NOT CALL THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN!" That He died for mankind does not give ur the right to misuse His name. We must call on the name of Jesus whenever we want to talk to Him or in the times of trouble, trials or temptations. 'Jesus!, i'm running late for work, Jesus!, i'm supposed to be at home by now!, Jesus!, you mean you forgot the money? Jesus!, i'm dead!' Why not; Jesus I love, thank you Jesus for what you've done in my life!, Jesus you're so good! It might be difficult but with time and the help of the Holyspirit, we would be able to understand the usefulness or importance of the name 'Jesus'. God bless you!

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Humility (being an instrumentalist)

As soon as you can play a musical instrument be it a drum, piano, guitar, trumpet or saxophone e.t.c pride follows you. It tries as much as possible to take over your mentality.
I've been there before; it only makes a fool out of you. As an instrumentalist, we must clothe ourselves with humility. It ain't easy at all because we feel we have every reason to be proud but as they say 'pride goeth before a fall'.
You learn nothing when you are proud of what you know but learn alot when you are humble. Only the humble are ready to learn more than what they already know.
A proud instrumentalist performs before the people but the humble plays the instrumentalist with all his heart.
How do you play your instrument?
God bless you!